Quality Improvement Initiatives

Birth-3 Quality Initiative Project

The Birth-3 Quality Initiative Project was established to improve the quality and availability of infant/toddler care in North Carolina through providing services statewide including technical assistance for child care programs and other community consultants and training specific to infant and toddler care best practices.

Promoting Healthy Social Behaviors Project

The Healthy Social Behaviors Initiative was established to address behavior issues in young children by offering services designed to identify, prevent and modify challenging behaviors with a goal of reducing the expulsion rate and promoting social-emotional development of all children in NC licensed child care centers.

School-age Quality Improvement Project

Works to improve the quality and availability of school-age care by increasing the number of licensed programs and by increasing the number of programs that voluntary operate with a higher star rated license.

Family Child Care Consultant

The N.C. Statewide Family Child Care Project was established in 2019. The project was created initially to conduct research that provided a realistic picture of the state of family child care (FCCs) in North Carolina and to generate recommendations for strengthening and supporting current and future FCCs

Upcoming Events

Staff Child Ratios and Active Supervision: In-Person

February 6, 2025
5:13 am - 5:13 am
Southeastern Community College, 4564 Chadbourn Hwy. Whiteville, NC 28472, Nesmith Building Room 203



February 6, 2025
5:13 am - 5:13 am


Full Calendar

Connect With Us

If you are a parent or a child care provider and have any questions about child care in Eastern NC, please fill out the form and we'll be happy to help out. If you need quicker assistance, please call us at 800-653-5121.